2 more weeks until Hidden in the Hills

Introduction to my future wonderful studio mates, Judy Darbyshire, our host, and co founder of Hidden in the Hills! You will see her ceramics studio during your visit.
Sandy Tracey is a local artist that paints bold, contemporary interpretations of the Sonoran desert, vintage cars and objects surrounding in Acrylic, Watercolor or Marquetry (wood inlay).
Diana Shore is a local watercolor artist inspired by nature.
You can see my work at www.AnAbstractedView.com
Map out your tour now! 2 week ends with over 45 studios to visit! Friday, Saturday and Sunday, first before, and second after Thanksgiving. Great place to find some special gifts for those hard to shop for during the holidays too. If you would like a digital map, please go to Hidden In The Hills Studio Tour - Sonoran Arts League